Topic: Computer Technician Services
EQ: "How can a Computer Technician best provide service to a small business?"

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. List your topic here: Computer Repair
2. What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs? Be specific and use an example. Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

  • iPoly Citizen
    • We can all agree that iPoly has a lot of enjoyable events where we have fun every year. We can also agree that those events don't just pop out of no where, there is work to be done. For the past three years at iPoly, I've had the privilege of attending these events, and coming into senior year, I do believe it is my turn to do my part and become the iPoly citizen I am expected to be. Wither it is running a booth at Scare Fair, or a food stand at iFest, I am prepared to do it and look forward to doing it. What I look forward to the most though is Powerpuff which I had the pleasure to coach last year. Not only because I am a huge football fan but because it feels good to contribute to an event a lot of people look forward too and also because of the learning experience. While coaching the junior team, I discovered that each player was on the same level, and that level makes the team. That there is no good player with a bad player around, because at the end of it all, both of them will be playing on the same field and on the same side.
  • Effective Learner
    • Besides turning in my work in time, not procrastinating and the obvious stuff, I believe that growing in each of the other three ESLRs, I can improve my Learning habits. The reason why I say this is because you can only learn so much from a book, or school work in general, but you can learn much more from others by communicating with them and involving yourself in activities. Such as, finding out new ways to study, new ways of looking at a problem, or maybe even change your way of thinking if it helps you improve your learning capabilities. Basically, my idea here is that I'll become an effective learner by adapting to other people's ideas and trying them out.
  • Effective User of Technology
    • I do already consider me an effective user of technology because I take full advantage of it in situations regarding school or home. Knowing more than the average computer user does greatly pay off and most examples that I can come up with come from my Junior year. If you are not aware, in one of the components we were assigned to do was modeling a city based off of a energy source (mine being nuclear energy) and we had to advertise our city using marketing mediums. One of the marketing mediums every group had to do was a poster and with that was a contest attached where the best poster of each energy source gets an E. Looking at the posters, you were able to tell who had more than the average computer user (by average I mean knowing how to surf the internet, using word documents, basic stuff) in their group. Me, being able to do graphic design, made the poster and won the E for my group. Of course there is always room to improve though, and I plan in doing that with my senior project. As you can tell by my topic listed above, I am going to be going deeper into computers and expanding my knowledge on technology.
  • Effective Communicator
    • I often have a tendency of not speaking out when it matter because something I may be afraid of what others might think or because I might offend someone else's idea. I can date this back all the way to freshmen starting with the storybook. The way I plan to fix this is speaking out my mind when I deem it necessary regardless of the outcome because the situation I'll be in could only possible improve from me speaking out or just go unchanged. 

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