Topic: Computer Technician Services
EQ: "How can a Computer Technician best provide service to a small business?"

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship Component



2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?
- Tomas Arellano; 1(310)345-6739

3. What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?
- During talking about business and all, we talked about keeping customers with good service with no contact issues and all, but how about gaining them? Which I believe will be the harder part.


4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
- The knowledge that every customer expects the same which is the obvious, good service. Also that you need a good relationship with each customer and know their persona. Mainly because it is a necessity in every business, since a business can't succeed without clients.


5. How did what you did help you choose a topic? Please explain.
- Honestly, it wasn't much from what I did, but what was mentioned by word. I did generic things not really specific to the topic but when it came down to talking, I was taught the needs of a business specifically regarding clients that make sense by logic. I am still unsure of a topic though, considering I couldn't get my ten summer hours started where I wanted too in time.

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