Topic: Computer Technician Services
EQ: "How can a Computer Technician best provide service to a small business?"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Senior Project Reflection

(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your Block Presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
-I actually had no trouble regarding presentation, I also felt that actually bringing in my own computer and open it up for everyone to see really hooked some of the audience and peaked their interest and curiosity. I am not sure if I kept them in that state but I was satisfied on how I was able to start it off like that.

(2) Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Block Presentation (self-assessment)?

b. What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
The research process actually taught me a lot. Beforehand, all of the research I would gather for anything it will always be crap articles written by people who don't have the qualifications to write that sort of thing. But having the standards of what is considered a reliable source, it helped me determine what I should use and I shouldn't.

(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would have you done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
I thought that the senior project sucked because I wasn't totally into my topic, but in reality it was me not maximizing the opportunities to actually do something enjoyable. If I had a time machine, I would go back and redo my projects, independent component, in a more enjoyable manner so I will find more value in it.

(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors? Be specific and use examples.
Well I used the senior project as a career exploration sort of it. It really allowed me to explore one of the fields I am considering going into, because I am still unsure on what I want to do with my life. In the time where I have to make a decision, I can now logically decide with experience as justification.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog 21: Mentorship

-Mentorship Log
-Tomas A. @ TnR Environmental 

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
- Well, the most important thing I have gained of this experience would have to be, maybe the development of my own skills as a computer technician, or just as a person in general. I've learned that to be a computer technician, I need to be patient with myself, the machine, and the people surrounding me. In a situation where I was in a rush, which was many times, and I couldn't do anything about it, it was best to just remain patient and the person I was helping will also remain patient.

How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
- The mentorship itself did not really provide me the answers to my essential question but it did open the doors and lead me to the pathway to the answers that I choose. A lot of my work required me to work with hardware. Including the CPU, Motherboard, RAM, and so on. I knew that ESD was a problem with computers I did not know how big of a problem though. All I knew is that I have to touch something metal before handling the insides. So I conducted research which lead to my second answer with a similar situation happening with my third answer regarding security.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Blog 20: Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question and answers? What is your best answer and why?
- My essential question is "How can a computer technician best provide service to a small business?" and the three answers that I found made sense the most are 1) Keeping up to date on current technology through the incentive of certificates, 2) Taking proper protocol when handling the hardware of a computer, and 3) Develop virus defense skills to keep a small business safe from theft. Out of all of these answers, I feel that Answer #2, taking proper protocol when handling the hardware of a computer. The reason why is fairly simple, the job of a computer technician is to assist people that have issues with their computers. Without taking proper precautions, the computer technician may just end up causing more damage. The greatest threat being ESD. Most hardware run at 1-5 V of energy, releasing a static shock of about fifteen. which you can't even feel, will still damage the component and will slowly decay over time.

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
- It all began with my first interview with Michael Kunz, a technician manager at Orange County Children's Hospital. In my previous research I read on certificates such as the A+, but took them not so seriously since the source of which I was reading about it is not so reliable. Though, I decided to ask him about it either way, or at least tried. In the answer before the next intended question where I mentioned the A+, he mentioned it himself and lend me some books that serve as "study guides" for the A+.

I read these books and eventually I got to the section about safety. It didn't go into great detail but it did spark my interest. From there I began to research more on it and decided it was worthy and important enough to be an answer on it's own.

(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
- Finding a third answer I felt was very difficult. Creating a first and second answer is fairly easy since they are both usually the result of easily found research. Reaching to the point where I had to pick a third answer felt as if I was scraping the bottom of the barrel, and yet found nothing. I looked back at the book where I got my second answer and looked through it, trying to find something that is a common issue relatable to everyone. There's where I got my third.

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

  1. Interview #1 w/ Michael Kunz
    • As I mentioned earlier this is where it began. In the interview Michael Kunz mentioned certifications, such as the A+, to be used as incentives. This lead me into my first answer with confidence and basically opened the doors for my two other answers. 
  2. CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed. by Mike Meyers
    • After the first interview, I got a hold of this book to use as research for my first answer, as the A+ is used an an incentive. Thought there were sections of the book that I considered to be good answers on their own and done further research on which are the safety protocols from my answer two, and security protocol from my answer three.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2


(a) I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) A+ Certification Guide by Mike Meyers
Implementing Virus Scanning in Computer Networks by Umakant Mishra
The Evolution of Malware and the Threat Landscape - A 10 year review by the Microsoft Corporation
How serious a threat are computer Viruses? by Reid Goldsborough

(c) ------>

(d) Explanation of what you completed.
Basically what I ended up doing for my IC2 is that I created a interactive guide, to how maintain a computer secure from viruses and any other malware. Also how to disinfect a computer infected with a virus. I briefly covered some background information of the hardware and then went in more detail when it came to the viruses. I talked about the methods that can be used to prevent or cleanse a computer from a virus and which ones work best for a certain situation for example a computer network set up.

The significant parts of is is basically the research I had to do. I needed to make sure all the information was correct before I went on to write it and applying the knowledge to specific scenarios. I had to make sure the information I was using was up-to-date also. Since this is about computers, anything before 2008 will be really sketchy. Luckily the majority of the information I got came from a source published in 2012. But for the 30 hours, I don't know if you, the reader of this blog, has worked with Flash, but it is very tedious and frustrating at times, with the frames and the precision. Eventually an animation will glitch out. Though this did help me though, I would call it indirect hand-on. Since I had to deal with where all the information was going, where it belongs, how it makes most sense to list it. It required me to read the information over a lot, helping me get the information stuck in my head. I've linked the final product below.
Once I got the design and layout.

Simple coding at the bottom, very exciting.

Typing out some info.
More easy coding, decided to go with a simple white gradient background too. It matches the website where put it up at.
 FINAL PRODUCT HERE!!!!:!computer-security/c1l3r
EDIT (4/25/2014 7:58PM): Domain for the website was updated, here is the updated link:!computer-security/c1l3r

My independent Component 2 helped me answer my Essential Question because instead of just researching, I was required to apply information that I found in research into real life. Visualizing the dilemma and how it can be solved. I lead me to further research I have yet to do and a deeper understanding of my topic. It helped me realize that security is the bottom line for most things, especially businesses because they don't want to get their money stolen, making me decide that this just might be my best answer.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval


1. Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
- For my Independent Component 2, I would be creating a digital handbook, more of a guide, in establishing a good, and secure virus protection system for small businesses in all different set ups. I would include, singular computer and computers connected to a network. What to do if there's already an infection. Basically all the help you could need in dealing or preventing malware.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
- First off, to create this guide, I would need to conduct some deep research using quality sources. As I do this I would take notes of everything that will be going into the guide. Afterwards I will begin to create the guide itself. I plan to make it interactive, so the use of it will be smooth and simple. As I do this part, I will take screenshots and some video showing the process of me making it. The final product will also serve as evidence.

3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
- I thought that I will be a good idea to create this guide to teach myself on how to set it up, and along in the process learn about the different ways to set it up. The benefits and problems with each ones. Generally which set up is best for which style business. This will also tech me about all the various characteristics of the most common viruses because in order to get rid of viruses, first you must identify it and find patterns in the system such as errors when a certain program is triggered.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog 18: Third Answer

"How can a computer technician best provide service to a small business?

Answer #3: A Computer Technician can provide good service to a small business if they know all the safety measures

Static electricity is the leading cause to computer failures or "deaths". 

ESD, or electro static discharge can be prevented by grounding yourself with an anti-static strap or by simply touching the case before handling the inside.

Any type of magnetic field should be kept away from the computer, and any tools should be "demagnetized".
CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed.(Exams 220-801 & 220-802)

If a computer technician were to learn the proper safety measures to keep a computer safe from harm, it would assure the their customer that there will be no risk and the only possible outcome will be a positive one.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. How much is the integration of technology increasing within businesses?
  2. How does that reflect in the work load of a Computer Tech. today?
  3. For the past X years, has there been an increase in jobs in general? or a decrease?
  4. According to your own experience, how much is a business willing to spend on technology?
  5. What are a business's initial expectations when you go in for a job?
  6. Are those expectations too far off from the realistic expectations or results?
  7. While eliciting answers, what first step should be taken to ensure that you understand the situation?
  8. What are the follow up steps?
  9. Which of those steps you mentioned do you consider the most important? In other words, most helpful?
  10. Is there any steps that can be avoided or not required in certain scenarios?
  11. Is there a lot of scenarios where adaptation is required?
  12. What kind of businesses do you market your services to?
  13. What makes a business a good target to sell your services?
  14. With that answer in mind, what do you do or say to market your services?
  15. Without of the result of marketing, what kind of businesses approach you?
  16. Without of the result of marketing, how many businesses approach you?
  17. If you were on the POV of the customer, what would you look for to make sure a technician is qualified?
  18. Among those, which is most important to you?
  19. Before any of the work begins, is the business required to sign any sort of agreement or contract?
  20. / (<-I'll come back to this)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blog 16: Advisory Meeting #2


Answer #2 The best way for a computer technician to provide service to a small business is to elicit answers.

1. The job of a computer technician is to obviously fix a computer so in order to do that, he must let the customer explain the situation and their experience without any interruptions. Interrupting the person you are trying to help will only slow down the process.

2. After hearing about the situation from the person you are assisting, you must ask appropriate questions where they help you understand the situation better and to clear up any confusion that came from their explanation and without accusing them because they are already, most likely, defensive about it.

3. Ask follow up questions that would help you find the source of the problem. Questions like "What did you do?" need to be avoided because it sounds as if you are accusing the person and holding them responsible for the malfunctioning computer. Instead ask open-ended questions such as "Has it ever acted like this?" "What programs were you running at the time it began to malfunction?"

The research source (s) to support your details and answer:
CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed.(Exams 220-801 & 220-802)

Eliciting answers the proper way, asking non-accusatory questions, open ended questions, and letting them answer without any interruptions, will help to providing service to a small business.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

(a) I, Lionel Arellano, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) 1. CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed. - Mike Meyers 2. Upgrading and Repairing PCs. 18th Ed. - Scott Mueller

(d) What I did for my Independent Component 1 is study to get an A+ Certification. Basically how I got this done was first off I practiced of prior knowledge that I know from research done prior to Independent component, by assembling a PC together and afterwards installing the Operating System and all other software such as drivers to make sure the all the functions are working correctly, such as the integrated graphics, network connection, USB ports, and so on. Afterwards, I continued to study by reading the one of the two books I cited above (CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed. - Mike Meyers) and wrote down notes of stuff I found important as I read so it would stick and to provide evidence of work.


-Well when I first started off with my independent component, I thought, it was basically just fixing computers, setting up stuff for being, not talking to anyone, rarely, only to the customer, and it honestly made me hate my topic. I was wrong at many levels luckily. I found out through my research that communication is such a big key in providing these services. What I learned about my topic is that when ever technicians go and do their jobs, they are already arriving at a customer that is saddened, stressed, worried, anxious, frustrated, angry about their system not working properly, and knowing how to handle those customers, how to ask questions, what kind of questions to ask is extremely important. The answers to those questions is what a technician needs to be to solve the issue. The outcome if the technician fixes the system or not is not only in his/her's hands, but also of the customer, and of course, the technician must guide the customer.

Blog 13: Lesson 2 Reflection


1. Positive Statement

What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?
-I'm not exactly proud of anything from it. I got in done in time, but I wanted to make it entertaining because I have a very boring topic and I didn't succeed in making it fun to watch.

2. Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?


b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.
-I deserve a P because I made all the meet all the P requirements. I got my Rough draft typed lesson plan in, in time and also the final one.I had everything prepared and set up on time and so on. I also meet the time requirement I believe.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?
-I got it done it time, in other words, I didn't stay up past 12 am like other times.

4. (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
-I wanted the presentation to be more entertaining, but couldn't find the way to do it and didn't have enough time left.

5. Finding Value
What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?
-With the book I am currently reading, it provides a list of traits a technician should have for the customer's benefit. I might reference that chapter as an answer.

Friday, January 31, 2014

January Post

Ah hello there, how are you doing today? Good? Good. Well I'm doing alright. I've just been working on Independent Component 1. Speaking of Independent Component 1, what I am doing for it is studying to receive an A+ Certification (not to get, testing cost money and I'm not rich) and well what the certification represents is an all around understanding about computers. To start it off, I first practiced what I know, as a refresher kinda, regarding handling hardware, installing it and OS and so on. Here are three of the many pictures I took:


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

  1. Do you work independently? Or are you employed by a specific business?
  2. What are the most common problems people ask you to approach? 
  3. How do you approach the person with the problem?
  4. How much time on average is put into in a certain situation?
  5. Since businesses often spend little money, is researching new hard/software necessary? 
  6. Once the solution is found, do you explain to the customer how to fix it themselves if the same problem occurs?
  7. Do the task involve hardware or software more often?
  8. If you work independently, about how often do small businesses call you in?
  9. If you work under an employer, how often do you spend managing the computers?
  10. Is there ever a situation where there is an immediate way to solve the situation and please the person you are assisting?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 hours check

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
- At my dad's company in the offices maintaining the computers.

2. Who is your contact?
- Tomas Arellano, 1(310) 345-6739

3. How many total hours have you done?
- 19.5 Hours

4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
- I completed the construction of the new computer, there were some problems where it wouldn't turn on, but it was just a matter of making sure all the power cords were put in properly. The fun part was installing the OS and all other software. Unfortunately, the CD-ROM we were going to use initially wasn't of the correct type, outdated you can say, so I had to make a bootable USB with Windows 7 on it so I wouldn't have to have the disc. After a long time, I was able to create it and got the set-up running. Afterwards it gave me an error about drivers not found, I researched it and finally found the solution. Next was installing the drivers for the motherboard and chip-set, but it was on a disc, so I had to get them online, but I couldn't because I needed one to get on the internet, so I got on a different computer, downloaded that specific one and installed it.Then I downloaded the rest of the drivers which took forever that it make me work past midnight.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Blog 10: Senior Project, The Holiday

1. It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are in school. What did you over the break with your senior project?
- Well the parts for the new computers for the office came in during the first week, so I spent my time assembling them and putting all the software on them.

2. What was the most important thing you learned from what you did and why? What was the source of what you learned?
- The problem solving skill is needed. First time around, I had no experience in doing this, I didn't feel I needed too since its basically a plug it in where it fits type of thing, and it is for the most part. I had two cables that fit in the same place though. At the beginning, I plugged it in there, and didn't notice the other. Once I tried to turn n the computer, it wouldn't. The only way to turn on the computer is obviously with the power button on the case, so I thought it was the Power-/+ LED etc. connectors then it went on to the power supply, and then the motherboard being fried. It obviously wasn't and it took me hours until I attempted an approach of testing the cables, and making sure everything is properly working. 

- Second time, it was all software problems. I wasn't able to install the OS on the Hard drive via USB (CD Drive was pushed aside in the purchasing). I attempted to research the error, I spent hours on it, but nothing. I tried using different USBs, changing settings in the BIOS. The solution to it was pretty simple and pathetic, but once that got done I just installed all the drivers and it was ready to go.

3. If you were going to do a 10 question interview on questions related to answers of your EQ, who would you talk to and why?
- I don't know who I would ask, because I don't know anyone specific enough to be eligible to answer the questions.
  1. Do you work independently? Or are you employed by a specific business?
  2. What are the most common problems people ask you to approach? 
  3. How do you approach the person with the problem?
  4. How much time on average is put into in a certain situation?
  5. Since businesses often spend little money, is researching new hard/software necessary? 
  6. Once the solution is found, do you explain to the customer how to fix it themselves if the same problem occurs?
  7. Do the task involve hardware or software more often?
  8. If you work independently, about how often do small businesses call you in?
  9. If you work under an employer, how often do you spend managing the computers?
  10. Is there ever a situation where there is an immediate way to solve the situation and please the person you are assisting?