Topic: Computer Technician Services
EQ: "How can a Computer Technician best provide service to a small business?"

Monday, April 28, 2014

Blog 20: Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question and answers? What is your best answer and why?
- My essential question is "How can a computer technician best provide service to a small business?" and the three answers that I found made sense the most are 1) Keeping up to date on current technology through the incentive of certificates, 2) Taking proper protocol when handling the hardware of a computer, and 3) Develop virus defense skills to keep a small business safe from theft. Out of all of these answers, I feel that Answer #2, taking proper protocol when handling the hardware of a computer. The reason why is fairly simple, the job of a computer technician is to assist people that have issues with their computers. Without taking proper precautions, the computer technician may just end up causing more damage. The greatest threat being ESD. Most hardware run at 1-5 V of energy, releasing a static shock of about fifteen. which you can't even feel, will still damage the component and will slowly decay over time.

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
- It all began with my first interview with Michael Kunz, a technician manager at Orange County Children's Hospital. In my previous research I read on certificates such as the A+, but took them not so seriously since the source of which I was reading about it is not so reliable. Though, I decided to ask him about it either way, or at least tried. In the answer before the next intended question where I mentioned the A+, he mentioned it himself and lend me some books that serve as "study guides" for the A+.

I read these books and eventually I got to the section about safety. It didn't go into great detail but it did spark my interest. From there I began to research more on it and decided it was worthy and important enough to be an answer on it's own.

(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
- Finding a third answer I felt was very difficult. Creating a first and second answer is fairly easy since they are both usually the result of easily found research. Reaching to the point where I had to pick a third answer felt as if I was scraping the bottom of the barrel, and yet found nothing. I looked back at the book where I got my second answer and looked through it, trying to find something that is a common issue relatable to everyone. There's where I got my third.

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

  1. Interview #1 w/ Michael Kunz
    • As I mentioned earlier this is where it began. In the interview Michael Kunz mentioned certifications, such as the A+, to be used as incentives. This lead me into my first answer with confidence and basically opened the doors for my two other answers. 
  2. CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 8th Ed. by Mike Meyers
    • After the first interview, I got a hold of this book to use as research for my first answer, as the A+ is used an an incentive. Thought there were sections of the book that I considered to be good answers on their own and done further research on which are the safety protocols from my answer two, and security protocol from my answer three.

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